How to Pray Effectively and Receive Results

Many of us struggle with this one... unanswered prayers. We labor in our prayer closets and have tried many different kinds of prayers, reaching out to ministers and Pastors for help, even asking others to pray for us on our behalf to achieve the results that we are striving for but have not yet come to pass.

I want to teach you a different way - one that involves just you and God. Often times we are fighting on a battlefield that belongs to the Lord, and what we should be doing is going into the Courtroom of Heaven and let God take care of the legal details and the enemy of your soul.

You can be in a position to receive what God has promised, and what you have been crying out for in the NOW season if you follow the principles of the Courtroom of Heaven. God wants us to enter into His courts and contend with Him, to reason with Him and appeal to Him. Let us begin today.

The following is a sample from a book I am currently working on, Heavens Courts: Volume 2. In this preview I talk about the bondage of Depression and how to overcome it with God's Word in His Courtroom of Heaven:


One major emotional struggle many people suffer from is depression. Depression is by definition feelings of severe despondency and dejection. Similar words include slump, decline, downturn, and standstill.

What does the Bible say about depression? In fact, one Scripture mentions depression directly:

[Proverbs 12:25] Anxious fear brings depression, but a life-giving word of encouragement can do wonders to restore joy to the heart. (TPT)

Anxious fear that weighs heavily within the human heart is not favorable to the spiritual life that God has called us to. These anxious and depressing feelings stifle and hinder the spirit of a person and prevent them from exerting themselves with any vigor or motivation. In this state of bondage the person can no longer fulfill their duties in their place and station. They can no longer bear with fortitude the sufferings to which they are exposed – and the average every day battle that could normally be withstood now serves to act as a perpetual weight sinking them further down the pit of hopelessness.

We also have warnings against excessive anxiety and exhortations to cast all our cares upon God as a duty of the Christian lifestyle; that when we trust in God in this capacity we also partake of the ‘peace which the world cannot give’ and that our hearts may be ‘set to obey’ His commandments.

[Matthew 6:34] So do not worry or be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have worries and anxieties of its own. Sufficient for each day is its own trouble. (AMPC)

[1 Peter 5:7] Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully. (AMPC)

[Psalm 37:5] Commit your way to the Lord [roll and repose each care of your load on Him]; trust (lean on, rely on, and be confident) also in Him and He will bring it to pass. (AMPC)

A compassionate and encouraging word from a friend or minister affords the afflicted person relief and comfort, and enables them to go on their way with peace and joy to endure that which is set before them and even overcoming the trials and tribulations with encouragement and hope – whereby strengthening them to accomplish even greater tasks, as well as building strong character with which to hold and contain a stronger anointing from God.

What are good words? They are words that are true, words that are kind, and words that are suitable. The good words that uplift the heart are the words of the gospel, and the message which it conveys. In addition, when interacting with those close to us and even those we are ministering to, we can assume that the world has given them more than enough of anxious fears in the form of persecution, negative words spoken over them, and all other various forms of affliction and torment. How seldom does a good word of encouragement come to those who are sick in the heart with depression and anxious fears?

We should be vessels of God’s love and encouragement even when circumstances and situations say ‘they do not deserve it’ and by all appearances their actions are in accordance with their perceived consequences – but God alone sees what is in the heart of a person – and if we profess to be God’s children, and to love God, then we should be close to His heart also, and close to His discerning compassion, in which we should be able to see past the surface problems and into the heart of the person.

In other words, many times people will act out aggressively as part of a defense mechanism created to protect inner wounds of the soul (the mind, will, and emotions) from further injury or repeated traumas. The thick, tough exterior shell of hardness is not all that there is to such a person – but rather this thick shell is covering up and protecting the vulnerable, soft and fragile core that is severely wounded and spiritually crippled. When God speaks encouragement and love to an aggressive sinner that is seemingly pervaded with evil, God is not condoning that persons sin but is rather speaking to that wounded core to bring healing and restoration to the spiritual life and heart of that person.

The Courtroom Session

Lord Jesus, I hold up before you this battle of depression. I cry out to you and ask you to intervene on my behalf. I cannot do this alone, and by myself I do not have the power to come out of this slump. I desperately need you, and I stand upon your Word of Truth:

[Psalm 50:15] And call on Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall honor and glorify Me. (AMPC)

In my day and hour of trouble, Lord, I am calling upon you. I know that you are not deaf to my cry, and you have promised in Your Word to deliver me. Thank you that your words are not flawed and that you are not like man, for you cannot lie. I give you honor and glory, Lord because you remain faithful to your Word.

[Colossians 1:5-6] 5 Because of the hope [of experiencing what is] laid up (reserved and waiting) for you in heaven. Of this [hope] you heard in the past in the message of the truth of the Gospel, 6 Which has come to you. Indeed, in the whole world [that Gospel] is bearing fruit and still is growing [by its own inherent power], even as it has done among yourselves ever since the day you first heard and came to know and understand the grace of God in truth. [You came to know the grace or undeserved favor of God in reality, deeply and clearly and thoroughly, becoming accurately and intimately acquainted with it.] (AMPC)

Thank you Lord Jesus, for all that is laid up and reserved for me in Heaven. Help me to take my eyes off the worldly situations and circumstances and allow me to see your holy Promise in Heaven – that you have prepared a place for me to dwell eternally in Heaven where there is no pain and suffering, only peace and love.

Thank you that your Word is alive and breathes with power from on high. As your Word bears fruit within the world, I receive it’s life giving power into my spirit and my soul. Open my eyes, Lord, to your unmerited favor in which you took away all my sins and gave me the opportunity to dwell with you not only here on earth, but also in Heaven for all eternity. Help me to see that this lifetime is but the blink of an eye compared to eternity without end.

[Jeremiah 29:11] For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome. (AMPC)

I stand on your Word Lord, that you truly have plans for me that are helpful, beneficial and good for my wellbeing and future. You will not compromise your Word, nor will you forsake me. I look forward to your promises with great expectation, for I know you will not fail me.

I ask you Lord Jesus to remove the roots of my depression at the source. Please remove from my heart any guilt due to past sins, false guilt, misplaced shame, ungodly fears, suppressed bitterness or hatred, hopeless grieving, and unbiblical expectations.

I thank you Lord for being a holy God that brings your words to fruition and that you are faithful to give me justice against my adversary. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.


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