
Showing posts from 2018

Demonic Portals Jumping Through the Second Heavens?

This afternoon I was going through some old deliverance notes and stumbled upon a particular session we had some time ago, and took note of some deep spiritual tactics the enemy was using against this woman that was bound. As we were addressing demonic spirits to cast them out in Jesus’ name… we were prompted by the Holy Spirit that these demons couldn’t just come out with a command. They actually had legal rights to stay inside her soul because of unresolved pain, wounds and trauma. So many people had abused her and created large deposits of toxic, negative emotions. The demons were lodged within these emotions and would only come out when the trauma was addressed and healing ministered to those areas. When it came to ministering to the mindsets that were created and established from repeated abuse and trauma – these demons that hide within the strongholds of thought patterns and behaviors were moving and jumping around so much, it was baffling. God opened our eyes to see what...

Being Transformed and Renewed in Your Mind

Greetings Lighthouse Members & Web Readers, [Romans 12:2] Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. (NIV) God has good, pleasing, and perfect plans for His children. He wants us to be transformed people with renewed minds, living to honor and obey Him. Because He wants only what is best for us, and because He gave His Son to make our new lives possible, we should joyfully give ourselves as living sacrifices for His services. The believer whose heart is on fire for God is a person who truly, deeply, and intimately understands their sinful condition and fully believes that Jesus is the Son of God and died on their behalf to provide a new life with Salvation for them. These are they who intimately serve God with passion for God’s desires to manifest in their lives and in the lives of others. They often do not hesitate to answ...

New Book Released: The Spirit of Anger

My latest book is now available on Amazon: The Spirit of Anger . This book will give much insight and revelation concerning the destructive nature of ungodly anger and its counterparts, including the wisdom and strategy to overcome its evil influence over our lives and our loved ones. One of the deadliest forms of evil found in the church today – silent anger and bitterness can kill destinies, marriages, relationships, ministries and individuals. Read what the Bible says about ungodly, fleshly anger and why it occurs so much in our lives, coupled with the solution to overcome these tendencies and live out our lives walking righteously before God in the knowledge of His righteous anger. You will learn how to overcome the fallen nature of man and walk in peace, enjoying the fruits of the Spirit as God heals and restores your soul, relationships, and your walk with God.

Exposing Lust's Seductive Schemes to Destroy Your Life

Lust is an absolute liar! It is conniving and out to destroy you, your family and your legacy. The lie is that lust is your friend, when in fact it is more like a scam artist or perpetrator. Lust comes to you as a friend during your adolescence or young adulthood. Acting as though it understands your problems, lust will distract you from the pain of your failures and inadequacies and even support you through breakups of romantic relationships. This lie wants you to depend on its escape, comfort and medicine. Lust is like the guy at work who is always being nice and complimenting the single mom, so eventually he can manipulate her. Lust has been a friend with false motives toward you. Lust has unconditionally accepted you, accepted your sexual thoughts without question and let you enjoy the sanctuary of a false secret life with it. Remember, none of this is real or true. But as an adolescent, you buy it hook, line and sinker. The relationship you have with lust is very r...

Standing in the Courtroom of Heaven

This teaching instructs us on how to enter in to the Courtroom of Heaven and successfully petition God to hear our cases concerning our prayers and needs. Receive verdicts from the throne of Heaven and watch the power of God unfold in your life today!

Life Principles Provided by Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit gave me the following principles to live by to increase the closeness and oneness with God and to live by faith with perfect peace. Please share this with others and spread God's wisdom to all those who will hear and apply! My Life’s Checklist : Trust God in all things pertaining to life. God is Sovereign, He has full control over every single thing that is allowed to happen. Do not defend yourself – let God be your defender. Lay down your sword and pick up the standard of LOVE. Love the unlovable – and do not expect a ‘thank you’ or anything in return. Even if they trample your grace – love them as Jesus would, until God says otherwise. Cast down all negative thoughts. What you think about is what you become. Keep your concerns in the prayer closet and do not act out of fear or anger. Sound wisdom is birthed from the fear of the Lord – and Holy decisions are made from a heart at PEACE. Say only healthy things. Sometimes God has us gi...

Wisdom to Consider...

We are all quite confident when it comes to appearing on trial before God. We know we are covered in the Blood of Jesus Christ, and all the enemy's accusations are fruitless because we are made righteous through Christ. The enemy knows this, also. But what about those times in our lives when the enemy places God on trial before us ? When Satan accuses God of not doing enough, allowing evil, and even sustaining negative circumstances in our own personal lives? When the enemy calls God's character into question while planting seeds of doubt in our minds? Do we trust God enough that He is good and perfect in all His ways, that He is sovereign and in full control of every person and circumstance in our lives? There will be times we fall short of understanding God, and simply not knowing what is happening in our lives. The stage is set to breed bitterness and anger towards God, but our faith and trust in Him must outweigh the doubts our soul naturally tries to bring before us...

How to Pray Effectively and Receive Results

Many of us struggle with this one... unanswered prayers. We labor in our prayer closets and have tried many different kinds of prayers, reaching out to ministers and Pastors for help, even asking others to pray for us on our behalf to achieve the results that we are striving for but have not yet come to pass. I want to teach you a different way - one that involves just you and God. Often times we are fighting on a battlefield that belongs to the Lord, and what we should be doing is going into the Courtroom of Heaven and let God take care of the legal details and the enemy of your soul. You can be in a position to receive what God has promised, and what you have been crying out for in the NOW season if you follow the principles of the Courtroom of Heaven. God wants us to enter into His courts and contend with Him, to reason with Him and appeal to Him. Let us begin today. The following is a sample from a book I am currently working on, Heavens Courts: Volume 2. In this preview I ta...

Amazing Prophetic Devotional

I want to share with you a simply amazing prophetic devotional book to inspire you and change your life for the better with the anointed words of our Loving Father to guide your steps each and every day. The Holy Spirit is here to lead, guide, and direct us into all truth. I have personally read this book and found this to be one of the best resources for guidance and uplifting my spirit when the trials of life have got me down. A true blessing, and I encourage you all to pick up this book and allow it to change your life as it has done with many others. Instructions from the Father Volume 4: Enter Into a Deeper Intimate Relationship with God

Understanding the Spirit Realm

What is the spirit realm? We all have varying ideas and concepts of this invisible place, but what does the bible have to say about it? [ Colossians 1:16 ] For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible , whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. (NKJV) This scripture acknowledges that there are things made that are invisible to us, in heaven and also on earth. And that if all things were created through Him, then He evidently has sovereignty over all things. ___________________________________________________________________________________ For more information about overcoming spiritual problems that affect our daily lives, check out my book " How to Defeat the Enemy of your Mind " on Amazon, available in eBook and Paperback. [ Ephesians 6:12 ] For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the aut...